K1527B |
K1527B |
K1527 Five (individually priced) Kugels consisting of a silver ribbed ball ~ 4” tall, pink grapes ~4” tall, a red ball with crazing ~4” tall, a gold ball with crazing ~3 ½” tall and a solid red ball ~4” tall. Hand blown glass - nice weight and condition with original caps and rings. Made in Germany between 1840 and early 1900. The silver kugels are actually clear glass with mirrored interiors to give them the metallic appearance. The word "kugel" means "round ball" in German, but they were also made in the shapes of Grapes, Apples, Berries, Pears, Tear Drops, Pinecones and Ribbed Melons. Silver, gold and green – which brilliantly reflected candlelight, were the most popular colors.